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Three Valleys Community Foundation

Innovative Mini-Grants

In collaboration with Behavioral Health Department, Alameda County Health, Three Valleys Community Foundation is launching an inaugural round of Innovative Mini-Grants to be awarded to community-based, nonprofit organizations working thoughtfully, creatively, and collaboratively to address the opioid crisis in Alameda County.

Inaugural Innovative Mini-Grants to Address
Opioid Crisis in Alameda County

Strengthening and investing in the well-being of our communities has always been at the heart of Three Valleys Community Foundation’s mission.  With its compounding and rippling effects across our communities, the opioid epidemic is among the most serious public health crises impacting the lives of Alameda County residents today.  Local community organizations and coalitions implementing creative solutions to improve the availability and effectiveness of opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment can be empowered to work together and mobilize resources to serve individuals and communities most affected by the opioid crisis.

Through this grantmaking opportunity, 3VCF is committed to engaging communities and investing in nonprofit organizations whose work addresses prevention, treatment, recovery and/or harm reduction strategies.

Uplifting our values of collaboration and innovation, and building upon our concentrated focus on overall community mental health and wellness,  3VCF encourages organizations doing innovative, transformative work to address the intersectionality of behavioral health and the opioid epidemic among Alameda County’s most vulnerable communities, to apply.

Our Innovative Mini-Grant application process opens in Fall  2024.  A selection committee composed of key health professionals, subject matter experts, and community members will evaluate and announce grant awards in Winter 2024.  The grant implementation window will take place over a 12-14 month period beginning in 2025.

“Solutions that are needed to address the opioid epidemic require us to adopt a visionary approach, embracing the challenge to be innovative and nimble as we reach for immediate but lasting interventions. Through active community engagement and thoughtful collaboration, this grantmaking initiative will help discover and promote innovative ways and emerging strategies for prevention, mitigation, harm reduction, treatment and recovery.”

Eligibility Criteria

3VCF will consider applications from: 

  • 501c3 nonprofit entities, or fiscally sponsored projects/community-based organizations.
  • Collaborative initiatives/applications of two or more organizations led by a 501c3. Collaborations are strongly encouraged, but not required.  
  • Priority consideration will be given to applications that aim to serve Alameda County’s most vulnerable communities, and populations that are disproportionately impacted by substance use disorder, as outlined in 3VCF’s By the Numbers – Communities in Crisis – with Disparate Consequences.
  • All applications must directly benefit the region of Alameda County.


Applications must be submitted using Three Valleys Community Foundation’s Online Portal. 

The RFP will be released in Fall 2024.

Informational Webinar:

3VCF will host an informational webinar for prospective applicants shortly after the RFP is publicly released. All nonprofits and community-based organizations interested in this grant opportunity are strongly encouraged to participate.  A video recording of the information session along with FAQs will be made available on our website to those unable to attend. 

Application Window

The application window will open in Fall 2024.