Impact Diablo Valley

Diablo Valley Families working together to learn about local nonprofits, helping people in need, and how transformational grants can make a huge impact in our local community.

Support the Need

Impact Diablo Valley Fund

IMPACT Diablo Valley Fund harnesses the power of collective giving by bringing families together who are interested in learning about the needs in our community, local nonprofits, and how philanthropy can make a huge impact to those around us. Our grantmaking is a participatory process. Families vote and annually award a $100,000 IMPACT grant as well as two smaller community grants. 

Impact Diablo Valley Support Fund

This fund provides vital, unrestricted funds to support IMPACT Diablo Valley’s annual grant-giving program and grant distribution process, including educational, informational and promotional community programs and materials designed to bring local families together to learn about area nonprofits that foster the next generation of philanthropists.


Your $1100 donation directly supports two important aspects of the IMPACT Diablo Valley vision. 100 percent of the $1000 goes directly to the IMPACT grant and community grants. The remaining $100 per family goes to the IMPACT Diablo Valley Support Fund, augmenting our outreach, research, distribution process, and community education programs. Your $1,100 donation is fully tax deductible.

For more information regarding IMPACT Diablo Valley visit:

Other Donation Options

Check: Payable to 3VCF (memo line: IMPACT Diablo Valley Fund)
c/o Three Valleys Community Foundation
5960 Inglewood Drive, Suite 201
Pleasanton, CA 94588-8611

Donor Advised Fund (DAF) 

A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is a philanthropic account that enables donors to contribute funds, receive a tax deduction, and suggest charitable donations from the fund to their preferred 501c3 public charity over time. If you have a DAF, you can recommend grants to Three Valleys Community Foundation. 

  1. Select Three Valleys Community Foundation as your DAF transfer recipient / grantee. 
  2. Input donation amount.
  3. Designate purpose as IMPACT Diablo Valley Fund.

Employer Matching

Many companies match employee and retiree donations, increasing the impact of your gift. As a tax-exempt 501c3 organization, Three Valleys Community Foundation qualifies for matching gifts designated towards the IMPACT Diablo Valley fund. Contact your Human Resources department to see if your employer participates. Thank you for considering a matching gift to amplify your generosity. 

Wiring Funds & Stock Transfers

We are pleased to assist you in creating a charitable giving plan tailored to your needs and interests. If you would like to discuss specific aspects of your donation or have initiated a wire or stock transfer, please contact Kelly Bowers at

“When we give collectively, we can make an even bigger IMPACT with our transformational grants.”
- Gina Halow
IMPACT Diablo Valley Co-Founder

“Teaching children to give back from an early age truly will help transform how they give with their own families as adults.”

- Mindy Longo
IMPACT Diablo Valley Co-Founder
Impact Diablo Valley