Guiding Principles

We work collaboratively with community leaders, philanthropists and front line organizations to make a positive and lasting impact throughout the region. We adhere to the following vision, mission and values. These are more than words on a website; they guide our everyday decision making and long term planning.


We envision a community where everyone has the opportunity to live a full and rewarding life.


Our mission is to strengthen our region through inclusive leadership, thoughtful funding, informed giving, and collaborative action. 


Integrity and Transparency

We operate with high ethical standards, honor our commitments, and communicate openly and effectively. 

Equity and Inclusiveness 

We celebrate the diversity in our region and are committed to representing, communicating with, and advocating for all community members who share our vision to improve the quality of life in the area.

Collaboration and Innovation

We actively engage with communities to develop creative solutions that address complex issues in our region.